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Abortion and Rape

I was talking to a friend of mine, who also is pro-life.  While she is opposed to abortion, she said that abortion in cases of rape should be an exception, as the victim shouldn’t have to suffer the anguish of being reminded of the rape through pregnancy.   Do...

Advanced Directives – Q & A

I am helping my dad with end-of-life planning—getting his will updated, planning his funeral. I keep seeing references to advanced directives. What are they and does Dad need one? AFL discourages using Advanced Directives, which are documents that try to communicate...

Sister Healing From Abortion

My sister had an abortion years ago.  When asked about it, she will say something like “she didn’t have any choice,” but she clearly yearns to have children and is often sad and depressed, especially around the anniversary of her abortion.  She finds it...