By: Johnston Moore, Anglicans For Life, Adoption/Orphan Care Consultant

As God’s adopted children, we have a wonderful opportunity to share His heart for children, and for adoption, by helping children find their forever families. 

The Anglican Adoption Fund (AAF) was started in 2015 as the Anglican Chaplains Adoption Fund. Originally developed and administered by the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy of the ACNA, the fund’s committee consisted of Anglican Chaplains who, themselves, are adoptive parents, and who wanted to bless other Anglican families by assisting with the cost of adoption. While under the direction of the Chaplains, the fund helped eight Anglican families welcome children into their homes. 

In August 2021, the AAF was passed on to Anglicans For Life. At Anglicans For Life, we believe that helping families adopt children is a tangible way to affirm life and it underscores our belief that all people are made in the image of God, worthy of love, and deserving of families. Since taking responsibility for the fund, we updated the grant application and formed a committee which votes on each application we receive. This past fall, we were blessed to be able to give our first grant to an adoptive couple under Anglicans For Life. 

In the time leading up to their marriage, Tae and Chris talked about their hopes to adopt one day. After having two biological children, Ella and Asher, they started the process to adopt. The process was a lengthy one, but they were eventually matched with a birth mother, and on October 17, 2022, their beautiful daughter, Brynn Louise, was born. Brynn is now growing and thriving in her family, enjoying her time with her mom, dad, sister, and brother. 

Tae had this to say: 

“We are so grateful for the generous grant and support we received from the Anglicans For Life Adoption Fund. Our adoption process started several years ago and after many months of waiting, we were blessed with the arrival of our baby girl. In the whirlwind of a recent military move, adoption fees, and long hospital stay required out of state to be with our little girl after her birth, we were touched by the kindness of the Anglicans For Life staff and beyond thankful for the blessing of financial assistance towards our adoption expenses.” 

At AFL, we are so blessed and honored to be able to help couples like Tae and Chris welcome children into their homes. If you feel led to partner with us (through your family, your small group, or your church) in helping children and families come together through the miracle of adoption, please visit If you, or someone in your church, are pursuing an adoption, and might want to apply for a grant, please use, or share the URL above. 

If you want to know more about adoption, foster care, or ways you and/or your church can support foster families, adoptive families, and the birth parents of children placed for adoption, visit

Words Matter in Advocating

Words Matter in Advocating

Words matter. This article reminds us of the importance of words. When we use the
wrong words to describe a despicable action, people can be fooled into thinking
they support something good, when in reality if you support “reproductive
freedom” and “reproductive rights,” you are supporting the dismemberment
or poisoning of an unborn baby in the safety of the womb.

read more