Each month we will  offer a list of action ideas so you can defend, honor, and celebrate Life in your churches and communities on our Take Action page.  This month, we are looking at abstinence.

A father cleartake action May 2017 abstinences his throat and tries to avoid the questioning eyes of his son. A mother stammers out a response to her daughter’s questions about the baby brother or sister growing in her mother’s womb. At some point, most adults have to have what is often euphemistically called “the talk”—and struggle with the awkwardness of discussing, sex, conception, and everything in between. But while we parents and elders may manage to explain the mechanics amidst our discomfort, are we talking about the beauty and importance of sexual intimacy as intended in God’s creation? Are we explaining the value placed on this physical and spiritual union created for a man and woman in marriage? Are we sharing about how important it is to worship God with our heart, soul, and body? The world isn’t awkward about sex—sex is prominently displayed on every media platform and is easily accessible by any device. But culture isn’t about to talk the importance of abstinence—that is up to parents, youth group leaders, and the Church. It’s up to us. Are you ready?

Action Ideas:
• Sponsor an abstinence program, such as True Love Waits or Theology of the Body, with your youth minister or youth program.

• Look for age-appropriate, Christian videos and books using the teachings found in the abstinence programs noted above to share with your church library or resource center.

• Lead a Sunday School class or small group focusing on helping parents to raise children to value purity and to respond to a sexualized culture.




Written by AFL Administrator Robin Ferguson

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Affording Adoption

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What Do You See?

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