Each week AFL posts an Anglicans in Action video, which gives practical suggestions, resources, and ideas for life-ministry. This week’s focus is the sanctity of life lectionary. You can see all the Anglicans in Action videos on our YouTube Channel.
This week’s action idea is to check out AFL’s new Life Lectionary feature on our website. You can access it directly by visiting lifelectionary.org or our anglicansforlife.org website menu. There you will find a list of the books in the bible that allows you to explore specific passages to find teachings that affirm and celebrate life. If you know people who struggle with understanding just how important the life issues are to God, this is a great place to start! There are over 300 reflections based on the lectionary readings from the Old and New Testament.
As we approach January, the lectionary teaching archive could be a great tool if you are a pastor preparing or thinking about a Sanctity of Life Sunday Sermon. After abortion was legalized in 1973, many Christians began to observe the inherent value of life endowed to us by God during their religious services one Sunday a year. That’s how the Sanctity of Life Sunday came to be and it is usually the Sunday closest to January 22nd, the day the Supreme Court handed down the Roe versus Wade decision that made abortion legal all nine months of pregnancy, but it can be done any time in the liturgical calendar. In 2019, SOLS falls on January 20. I encourage you to lean into God’s Word and explore what He says about life and death, and most importantly, what He says about providing healing to those hurting after abortion spiritually and emotionally within your congregation. If you’re struggling with how to get started or in need of new ideas to preach with a life perspective, this is a great resource! By preaching faithfully and proclaiming the sanctity of life, we are reminded that the holiness of God is instilled in all human life, so much so that even the least of us bears His image.
Finally, every year, AFL publishes a bulletin insert that can be ordered to compliment your Sanctity of Life Sunday service. You can find these on our website and order them online or call the office (412-749-0455) to place an order today!