“We would love to adopt a child, but it’s just so expensive.”

If I had a dollar for every time I’ve heard that statement, or some variation thereof, in my 20 plus years of adoption and foster care ministry, I could afford, well, another adoption. 

The reality is that adoptions do cost money, and depending on the type of adoption being pursued, the cost can be a deterrent, and even prohibitive, for many people. Having said that, I would add that if God calls you (and your husband or wife) to adopt, then you can trust Him to provide the financing it takes to bring that child, or children, home. 

I would also add to keep in mind that adoption from foster care is relatively low- or no-cost, though you may incur some expenses in order to get your home study approved. Still, the cost is negligible when compared to private and international adoptions.

As I mentioned, if God calls you to adopt, you can trust Him to provide. One of the ways He might want to help provide for your adoption is through the Anglicans for Life Adoption Fund, which provides grants to Anglican families to help offset the cost of adopting a child (or children).

Originally founded in 2015 as the Anglican Chaplains Adoption Fund, and developed and implemented by the Jurisdiction of the Armed Forces and Chaplaincy (ACNA), the jurisdictional authority of the fund was given to Anglicans for Life in 2021. That same year, AFL created a fund review committee which reviews grant applications and approves grants for prospective Anglican adoptive families.

The grants are intended specifically for Anglican families adopting domestically (including through foster care) or internationally. The Fund has helped many Anglican families welcome children into their homes over the past decade, and we would love to help yours as well.

The process is simple. Read about, and apply to the Adoption Fund here. Once we receive your completed application (including references), the fund review committee will look it over and make a decision, after which we will notify you of any funds the board approves. We will then work with your agency/attorney to disburse the funds at an agreed-upon time.

If you’re considering adoption, we invite you to check out, and apply to, the Anglican Adoption Fund. We also invite you to let other Anglican families know about the Fund as well. We truly want to help you (and others) in your adoption journeys!

We also want to support you in your journey in other ways, by being a resource (including giving you leads on other potential financial sources), and prayer partner for you. Applying to the Adoption Fund is a great way for us to get to know you so we can better walk alongside you as you answer God’s call to welcome children into your family through adoption.

If you’d like to learn more about the Anglican Adoption Fund, or about adoption or foster care in general, please get in touch with me at [email protected].

What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Editor’s Note: This article is a reflection of the sermon preached at the Anglican Prayer & Worship Service at The Falls Church Anglican on January 24, 2025 prior to the March for Life in Washington, D.C.

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