The First Ever Post-Roe SUMMIT

By: Canon Georgette Forney

“Welcome everyone to the first ever post-Roe Life SUMMIT!”

As I spoke these words at the beginning of this year’s SUMMIT, I was once again overcome with the miracle that happened last June, when 49+ years of legal abortion came to an end in the United States. And while abortion legislation is now in the hands

By: Canon Georgette Forney

“Welcome everyone to the first ever post-Roe Life SUMMIT!”

As I spoke these words at the beginning of this year’s SUMMIT, I was once again overcome with the miracle that happened last June, when 49+ years of legal abortion came to an end in the United States. And while abortion legislation is now in the hands of each state legislature, we can celebrate the 14 states that have banned or greatly limited abortion in favor of protecting the lives of babies and moms. 

It was a great way to kick off our annual SUMMIT. The joy that is felt when a life is saved seemed to permeate the air the rest of the day.

Every speaker shared a message designed to educate, inspire, and equip attendees to go back to their church and develop outreach and ministry to those struggling with life and death issues. This is the main purpose for the SUMMIT, as AFL’s goal is to see every believer in every church doing one thing everyday to bear witness to the sacredness of life.

All of the SUMMIT presentations give attendees examples of how the Sanctity of Life is threatened everyday in our culture.

Why do we do this? As a biblically based ministry that addresses life and death issues, Anglicans For Life exists to equip you so you can educate others, and establish ministry outreach on life topics, ultimately employing Scripture to advocate for the value of every life made in God’s image! As your Church seeks to bear witness to the sacredness of life in both word and deed, we want to be your go-to resource. This is especially important now that we live in a post-Roe world! 

We, as a church, must see the changes in abortion access as an opportunity for ministry. I firmly believe fewer women will seek abortions now that it is no longer legal nationwide. As long as something is legal, even if it feels wrong, people will see it as an acceptable choice. Now, however, with many states banning abortion or limiting it, those who would have turned to abortion to end their unplanned pregnancy will need the support and resources God’s people can provide.

The overturning of Roe is an opportunity for us to show the world what the church can do for life!

The Status of Abortion in America

The Status of Abortion in America

Interested in how abortion numbers have changed since Roe v. Wade was overturned? Dive into the most recent data to discover the state of abortion in America.

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Will We Abort Grandma?

Will We Abort Grandma?

Georgette Forney shares how a personal experience opened her eyes to the fact that some medical professionals don’t approach life and death decisions with life at the forefront of their treatment.

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Idaho Church Engages Young Anglicans

Idaho Church Engages Young Anglicans

Learn about an Idaho church teaching their children about the Sanctity of Life through real-world experiences like the World’s Largest Baby Shower that benefit moms and babies in need.

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