Imagine you found yourself on an episode of John Quiñone’s “What Would You Do?” television series and observed:

  • A distraught man is standing on the side of a bridge, his legs slightly bent, prepared to jump into the icy water below.
  • A stranger slurs, “I’m heading out!” to her friend across the bar, waves with her keys, and stumbles toward the door, obviously under the influence.
  • You overhear a weeping teenage girl talking to her friend about her surprise pregnancy, asking what she thinks she should do.

What would you do? Each of the scenarios is life threatening. Anyone with an ounce of the God-given moral faculty would try to help the suicidal man or the drunken woman, right? In fact there’d probably be a group of would-be life savers—Christians and non-Christians—gathering around the at-risk person.

But what about the young lady considering her options?

Responses would likely range from: “It’s none of our business. She can do what she wants with her body…” to “I really wanted to say something. My brother has been waiting to adopt a baby for so very long…” to “I just had to say something. She didn’t know me from Adam. But God knows her and her baby. And He loves them both…”

From the First Century onward, Christians have given high value to the sacredness of life; that is what sets us apart from others in our society. But secular culture’s lack of concern for the unborn has creeped into our community. It’s easier to ignore the subject of abortion—especially with a stranger—than it is to graciously address the issue.

Getting involved costs us something. But not doing so costs a life.

So, whether Mr. Quiñones walks onto the scene or not…What Would You Do?

The Status of Abortion in America

The Status of Abortion in America

Interested in how abortion numbers have changed since Roe v. Wade was overturned? Dive into the most recent data to discover the state of abortion in America.

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Will We Abort Grandma?

Will We Abort Grandma?

Georgette Forney shares how a personal experience opened her eyes to the fact that some medical professionals don’t approach life and death decisions with life at the forefront of their treatment.

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Idaho Church Engages Young Anglicans

Idaho Church Engages Young Anglicans

Learn about an Idaho church teaching their children about the Sanctity of Life through real-world experiences like the World’s Largest Baby Shower that benefit moms and babies in need.

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